Type: O/U Shot Gun
Brand: Halger International Arms, London Hamburg, Model New England. Made by Friderich Triebel, Suhl
Year: 1924-25
Caliber: 12/70 – two sets of Barrels
Lock System: Side Lock type Holland Holland with Gerlich Patent
Engraving: heavy hunting motive engraving, Safety has a “Devil face”, HG logo on top luck.
Barrel: 775 mm / Exchange Barrel 775 mm
Comments: top model of the Halger/Gerlich Guns. Heavy Trap Gun, Holland & Holland side Lock with Gerlich patented improved safety. Double Greener (type Kersten) locking. The gun has 2 sets of Barrels Hunting and Trap Shooting, the only difference is with and without ventilated sight rail.